The plan was to attempt to potty-train Alexandra after Christmas. I had no idea how successful she would be, because she is only nineteen months old. But she showed some signs of being ready, such as being very aware of her bodily functions and telling me while or after they were happening. I wasn't sure if she would be ready for the next step of anticipating them, but I figured that we could try and if she wasn't ready, we'd put it on hold for a few months. On the plus side, if she did get potty-trained, even just daytime potty-trained, that would mean fewer diapers, a real bonus when you think about her little sister arriving in just two months.
I made a plan, involving lots of praise, maybe some M&Ms, and trips to the potty every half-hour or so. I also prepared myself mentally for the fact that she might be too young. I would put in a lot of effort, but if she wasn't ready I would be fine and not frustrated, I told myself.
However, once Christmas was over, I found I kept putting it off. At first, I would just forget. Half-hours go by so fast when you have a toddler! When I would remember, it would be immediately before lunchtime. That was no good, because a hungry toddler can be cranky and desperate, and so can a hungry pregnant woman. Or it would be immediately before her (or these days, our) nap time, also a desperate time for a pregnant woman.
I thought it would be best to start potty-training when I would have several days in a row where I could be at home so it wouldn't be inconsistent. But we wanted to take advantage of end-of-the-year sales and Ian's time off to do some shopping for Alexandra's new "big-girl" bedroom. So even when I started remembering that I wanted to potty-train her, I really didn't want to have to rush Alexandra into public restrooms every half-hour.
And then, there was just the matter of being tired. After December (end of the semester, finals, grading, Christmas, New Year's, etc.) I was exhausted. There were times when I just couldn't bear the thought of going upstairs, as I hadn't set up her potty seat downstairs yet. Ian had a week off between Christmas and New Year's, and I discovered that what I really wanted to do was rest, or do fun things while we were at home as a family. In my mind, nothing that involves being on a strict time schedule is fun.
And I began to realize that even if she was ready to be potty-trained, I wasn't ready to potty-train her. I think for something like potty-training to work, especially this early, you've got to be on top of things. You've got to be dedicated and stick to it no matter how you're feeling, even if it's right before lunchtime or nap time. But I was so tired I couldn't even stand the thought of climbing the stairs to take her to her potty chair.
So... I gave up on the thought that I was going to potty-train my daughter in the first few weeks of January. And I was okay with it. Now that the hectic-ness of the holidays is over and we're getting back into a routine, we may try to potty-train her before KPB (her little sister) is born. But this time, I will take into consideration whether or not we're BOTH ready.
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