Just a few quick updates. Nothing particularly interesting had happened for a while, so that's the reason for the long delay between posts.
It's an overcast and rainy day today. It's enjoyable living in a place where it actually rains when it gets cloudy, and where the rain is more steady than a drizzle and lasts longer than fifteen minutes. It seems like one gets to more fully experience various types of weather in Iowa than in Nevada (except, of course, completely dryness). The last few days here have been beautiful- in the fifties every day, which feels like springtime after weeks of below freezing.
Anyway, I've been seeing a lot of interesting things as I walk Petey around Winterset. I will post some pictures soon.
I look forward to seeing those photos of Madison County country. Hey, didn't we figure out it was your Aunt Janice's church you would be at? That would be cool.