Hungry. I am hungry ALL the time.
Excited. The idea of having another baby makes me very happy.
Nervous. Can I really handle two kids? I comfort myself with the thought of all the other people I know who have done it.
Nauseated, but just slightly. Luckily, for the most part my nausea has neither been as strong nor consistent as it was with Alexandra. Again, I have an extreme aversion to vegetables. My earlier cravings consisted of dairy and sugar, and now include red meat as well. But they're not just cravings... I can't eat anything else without feeling sick. Early on I thought I could fight the aversions and force some salads down my throat. When those made me feel worse, I gave up, and am enjoying all the grilled cheese sandwiches, quesadillas, beef, and chocolate cereal I want.
Spacey. I am spacey. Pregnancy makes it worse, so I am more forgetful, more easily distracted, less observant, and less organized than before. Thank goodness I have an understanding family.
Emotional. I can be elated, sink into depression, rise out of it in a fury, and cry through the whole thing, all within a space of fifteen minutes. Luckily, being easily distracted keeps me from wallowing in any negative emotion for too long.